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 Is YouTube the new television?

CONTENT: Services

It's a fact, YouTube has been taking the place of what we know as traditional television. We live in a society where technology and platforms are part of our daily lives. But has YouTube really come to replace traditional media or does regular TV still continue to dominate our household?

YouTube has been expanding tremendously and has been recognized as an influential social platform around the world. In fact, there are various factors that promote the growth of this platform in relation to TV. Many people prefer YouTube because of its diversity of content and its ease of access. Unlike regular TV, it is easier to find content on YouTube that we identify ourselves, without schedules and wherever we want. Another factor related to its growth is that anyone can move from audience to content producer, providing freedom of expression.

Although YouTube has been growing considerably, TV is still indispensable in every home. According to recent surveys, women watch more 16 hours per month of television than men. Besides gender, age and race are also relevant factors, since people between the ages of 50 and 64 are the ones who most adhere to TV. In terms of content, news, sports and entertainment channels are the most viewed by the public in general.

In conclusion, we can see that YouTube has been taking the lead, attracting more audiences. The diversity of content, the ease of access and the opportunity for content exposure turn out to be more tempting offers, especially for a younger audience. In an age when technology and the Internet are part of our routines, it would be easier to assume that platforms like YouTube turn out to be more promising than the "outdated" media.

Written by: Sara Silva

Who is watching YouTube?

CONTENT: Services

Undoubtedly, YouTube has become part of the daily routine of society in its general, regardless of age, gender or personal tastes. When we talk about this platform, there is a certain tendency to assume that it is aimed at and more concretely targeting children and young people. But is this the reality behind YouTube?

According to recent research, more than 30 million people use YouTube daily and about 5 billion videos are watched every day worldwide. As expected, most of these numbers are generated by young people, encompassing 2 different generations: The Millennials and Generation Z. The impact that Youtube has on the lives of these generations goes far beyond entertainment, building their behaviors through the influence that Youtubers convey since young people tend to identify themselves with the content and the content producer.

On the other hand, age groups between the ages of 35 and 55 are the ones that most adhere to YouTube nowadays. These numbers are based on the fact that 75% of adults adhere to Youtube for the tutorials, information or for the simple fact of viewing videos for the sense of nostalgia. Another factor related to adherence of these age groups is parenting. Many parents take into account the importance of being attentive to the content exposed in this platform and to the content that the children visualize. This does not mean that they watch the videos by obligation or control, but rather to spend more time with their children and likewise enjoy the content exposed.

In conclusion, Youtube has become for video watching what Google became for search a few years ago. In contrast to what people can see, not only young people access to this platform, but different age groups. Whatever functionality or content is desired, YouTube stands out among other platforms or social networks, regardless of age, gender, race or tastes of the audience.

Written by: Sara Silva

The bright side and bad side of Youtube

CONTENT: Services

The bright side of Youtube

The creation of Youtube has proven to be a mark on the history of the Internet. We can safely claim that there is a “before” and an “after” the making of this significant website. As such, we can assume that it has allowed for a lot of good to have happened. This relatively short essay will demonstrate those positive aspects that this platform has provided us.

First of all, Youtube made it possible for events around the world to be shared and broadcasted beyond borders. It is easier than ever to be informed of events that happen around the world, from homemade, family videos to important speeches done by our world leaders about subjects that matter to all of us. Youtube has made it possible for people to share their stories and experience with the world. Furthermore, you can also use Youtube as a way to express yourself creatively, from animations to video essays/reviews of products, this platform provides us with infinite content to explore. There is also educational videos that involve all the subjects we can possibly think of, from Mathematics to Languages.

Additionally, considering the nature of a lot of the content available on Youtube, it is possible that this website can bring you a sense of belonging as if you’re apart of a community that shares mutual interests. A lot of the Youtubers hold a relatively close relationship with their audience and there’s an ongoing interaction between these two. In short, Youtubers engage with their audience and, in return, the audience engages with the Youtuber, by commenting on the videos, liking them or disliking them, since this platform is quite interactive. YouTube is based on four essential freedoms: Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Information, Freedom of Opportunity, and Freedom to Belong.

In conclusion, we can safely assume that Youtube has impacted the world on an incredibly high level that it has changed the way Media as a whole function, where messages are transmitted almost automatically and shared to a worldwide audience. It has never been easier to be global.

The bad side of Youtube

Since Youtube has been relevant a lot in our society has changed. However, not all changes have been completely positive, some have been quite negative in the long run, which has affected the way Media are developed and shared. Youtube has severely damaged how content is created and in this short essay, I will approach this subject as a way to transmit the unfavorable parts of this website.

First and foremost, Youtube has allowed and contributed to the generalization of Clickbait content, especially when it comes to the titles of its videos, but also when you consider the thumbnail of said videos. The need to entice the audience and bring attention to the message you are trying to convey is constant if you are trying to make a profit of what you are doing. As such, these videos have provoked a revolution on the way information is shared on the Internet, a negative one that promotes a lot of fake information being distributed.

On a different note, Youtube can also be a really bad influence on people. Some influencers on that platform have narcissistic tendencies, which is fairly obvious given that if you expose yourself to the world in that way it is most likely because you would like to get some recognition for your work and content that you upload. We have the example of Logan Paul, a Youtuber with over 18 million subscribers who are generally known for being a bad audience to his younger audience, like recording a video of a suicide victim during his trip to the country of Japan. This is genuinely a concern to parents who have no idea this is the type of content their children are being exposed to on a platform that is seen as “harmless” and “child-friendly” by the majority of people.

We can conclude that Youtube is a platform that is still trying to find its place in our modern world. Our society still needs to adapt to the development and exponential growth of this really important website, since as it is right now it is bound to lead to some unwanted events and the affirmation of really despicable trends, such as the normalization of Clickbait content.

Written by: Rafaela Raposo

Being a Youtube Personality

CONTENT: Services

What is a Youtuber

A YouTuber is known as a YouTube personality, YouTube celebrity or YouTube content creator. It is a kind of internet celebrity and videographer who gained popularity on the video-sharing website YouTube.
Youtuber boom really took off in 2012, with the change of the Youtube interface, and by now it is one of the largest social networks in the World. Audiences continue abandoning television and other forms of traditional entertainment in favor of social media platforms and social interaction through apps and online channels.
Youtube has been providing incredible opportunities, and people have been founding how to catch them, Youtubers prove this. Many people have created youtube channels and now they are seen as modern-day role models of young people. That people which now are called YouTubers have found how to manage and use the tools that Youtube provides them, and that's why they are what they are now, some are even considered celebrities. But being a Youtuber isn’t an easy task because, behind every video, there's editing, planning and possible nerves. When posting a video they take the risk of being criticized and judged.
Youtube maintains a good level of control and trust in what YouTubers produce as long they produce something seen as authentic and engaging by their audience. Some Youtube personalities gain money with their videos and it depends on the number of views their videos have. If YouTubers corporate sponsors who pay for product placement in their clips or production of online ads, they are going to win more.
We can see that youtube brought to our world a new way of leaving and of being known without using traditional media. Youtubers are taking place in our society and in the media world.


Being famous on Youtube brings more responsibilities because they have an image and an identity to maintain. Youtubers, especially the most known, have a lot of work because they need to be regularly active on youtube, they need to create more videos, watch other's videos and interact with other YouTubers always without losing their brand name or identity. They can upload videos about almost everything on youtube, you can find lots of videos about makeup, clothes, video games, sports, experiences, jokes, funny moments, music covers, or even lessons and explanations related to education. They are free to upload videos about what they want but always without breaking youtube rules.
The concept of Youtuber is gaining power thanks to kids and teenagers. Some of the most known Youtubers have less than 25 years. Young people are the most attracted to this world of social media but not all want to produce videos some just want to watch and it is thanks to them that some YouTubers became so famous.

Kids and teens are more strongly related to a youtube personality than a traditional celebrity. They see them as someone they can trust, someone who gives the best advice's or simply someone just to follow. With that, the responsibility of a youtuber grows immediately.

To sum up being a youtuber it is something difficult they have a posture to maintain and they always need to be alert to their audience so they can keep their subscribers and to keep up the good job.

Written by: Carina Cruz

Is Youtube a good educational tool?

CONTENT: Services

Youtube is used for entertainment, marketing and to get a good fan list, but, can it expand our knowledge? Can it teach us new things? Can we actually trust in youtube material as a source of our arguments?
For around thirteen years, youtube was a strong presence, and it is becoming stronger every day, we use it for everything. If we want to learn something that was thought last week, month or year, we can do it. The point here is, we can learn, using youtube as a teacher, without spending a single cent, and we can learn every type of subject, related to school. Education is the root for every society to involve and build the economy of every country, in some aspects, youtube is the problem solver of our home basic stuff, like, how to use the laundry machine, how to repair our piece of technology, how to use certain apps on our smartphone. I use it to learn history, physics, economy, and languages, besides, nowadays, we won´t ask almost anything to our teachers, they will give us the basics and then we fetch everything using google or youtube, and why not? If we are connected to everyone, why shouldn´t we use it like that? Because we don´t know if it is reliable, every single person in the world can post a youtube video and use any information he/she likes. We need to compare sources, books, statements and ancient documents to find the connections, and that gives us a lot of work, but without work no profit right? While we try to find if that piece of information is real, we discover new things, less important things that make all the difference in our way of understanding certain things.

Written by: João Sousa

General opinion about Youtube

CONTENT: Services

During this research, I thought about writing a second essay about the importance of youtube in terms of education, so, I did a different approach, why don´t ask people itself? Family, parents, friends, colleagues, strangers, basically everyone uses youtube. Well, this went quite well in the beginning, but, most of the answers were the same, I mean, youtube is a video platform, so, the users go there and watch videos. But, when I ask the population " What type of videos and why?", then things get more interesting, my dad uses it to learn how something is made, construction stuff. My mother uses youtube to watch to concerts, learn a little about a city or foreign country before going there and of course, I´m not being a feminist but most of our mothers search for recipes. My friends had a different approach. Luana, 21, a student of digital marketing, said " Youtube is a powerful machine! yes, machine, because it speeds your knowledge and learning through basic stuff when you have doubts or problems in finding the right way to do some things, besides, It´s used for marketing, so you can learn and be influenced while you use it". Another opinion came from a friend that uses youtube for other things, Diogo, 22, before our interview he said: " If we are going to talk about youtube, we can sit here and talk about it one day straight, especially when you say that is a continuous interview..." but, the most strongly to me was from my older brother, he is 33, and uses youtube for everything he said: " I used youtube to learn how to change a diaper, how to use the washing machine, how to cook, how to clean properly, searched for advice related to how to take care of my children, what should they eat, how many time should they sleep, in which position, whatever, basically I used youtube to learn how to do my life following other people experience and advice." I also have an opinion, but I´m studying languages in a School based in education degrees, but, apart from that, I use youtube to improve my geography, physics, general culture, and history, for instance, I became addicted to history and German language and culture, because of youtube. We all use youtube as an education tool, it is the easiest way to learn something without paying nothing. Use youtube to share your knowledge, who knows, someone might need your advice.

Written by: João Sousa

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